Crater Lake, Oregon   picture by Sullivan Harris
Crater Lake, Oregon picture by Sullivan Harris
The yearly kindergarten DVDs
The yearly kindergarten DVDs
Hi, I am Mike Harris.
I am a photographer located in Richford, NY (serving the Southern Tier region of Binghamton, Ithaca, & Cortland).
I retired from teaching kindergarten in 2023 after 33 years.  Yes, I survived!  Every year I would edit an hour-long video of all the good k-memories (parties, field trips, etc.).  I would not let the families forget all of the amazing school memories!  
     I realized that I LOVE capturing memories!
Now I want to help your family capture memories.
About 5 years ago, I started developing my passion for photography.  I purchased my first "real" camera before my wife (Shina) and I went on a huge trip to Switzerland to visit my sister.
Under the mentorship of my son Sullivan, I have been honing my skills & building my portfolio.  All for this big moment of opening my own photography business.
 Your memories are too precious!
   "My Favorite Things" 
 dogs, Christmas trees, Star Trek, Rocky, MASH, fall leaves, and golf (I suck...but I love it)

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